100 years of Broadcasting General Conference
100 Years on Radio - 50 Years on Television - 25 Years Online
The first general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints took place on a small farm in the forests of western New York. About 40 Church members — along with some friends and other interested people — crowded into the log home of Peter and Mary Whitmer on Wednesday, June 9, 1830, in the township of Fayette in Seneca County, New York.
At that time, the entire Church had fewer than a dozen priesthood holders. The minutes for that meeting reveal that Joseph Smith read the “articles and covenants” — or what would become Doctrine and Covenants 20 — which were received by unanimous voice of the entire congregation.
Oliver Cowdery ordained Samuel Smith an elder; then Joseph Smith Sr. and Hyrum Smith were ordained priests.