Minerva Teichert Art Gallery

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Queen Esther Speaks - The art of Minerva Teichert

At the impressive age of 92, Betty Curtis Stokes emanates an air of elegance and dignity, as she gazes at a grand Minerva Teichert painting of Queen Esther adorning her dining room wall. The resemblance between Betty and the biblical heroine depicted in the painting is striking, and there's a reason behind it. In her early years, Betty Curtis lived in Cokeville, Wyo., just a few doors away from Minerva Teichert, a renowned artist and member of the Latter-day Saint community. Minerva frequently used people from her own neighborhood as models for her magnificent paintings.

In 1939, when Betty Curtis was a young and vibrant 19-year-old, she had the honor of being chosen as the model for Minerva Teichert's celebrated masterpiece, "Queen Esther." The painting captures the essence of the biblical character, and Betty's captivating presence undoubtedly infused the artwork with an extra layer of authenticity and allure.

Photographs of Minerva Teichert, courteously provided by the LDS Church History Library, offer glimpses into the life and artistry of the talented painter. Additionally, images of Cokeville, Wyoming, generously made available by wyomingtalesandtrails.com, give us a sense of the charming and picturesque town that once played host to Betty Curtis and Minerva Teichert. To this day, Betty's connection with Queen Esther endures, as photographs of Minerva Teichert's extraordinary paintings are showcased at the BYU Museum of Art, preserving the legacy of both the artist and her exceptional muse.